The 80/20 Method

Does Pineapple go on Pizza?? + Realtors: MAKE SURE TO READ!

Enso Media Firm here with a little bit of advice. . .

Most people with growing businesses think they need to SELL SELL SELL on social media platforms. When in reality, the percentage should be about 80/20: 80% educational, 20% selling.

Now, with that educational we have some subcategories: personality, how it has helped/hurt you, testimonials, FUN, etc. Today we want to mainly talk about the fun side of social media, and showing your personality.

First off, showing your personality on social media truly helps people decide if they relate to your brand- and if they don’t, maybe they will recommend you to someone who they know will! The countless number of times our team can remember a moment where a friend has sent us DM’s with “this is something you would wear,” or “you would totally be good at this,” is unbelievable and outside looking in: thats FREE marketing from people you don’t even know!

Secondly, personality doesn’t always have to be only YOU. If you’re a one-man show, than yeah, it’s harder to get around, but if you have a small staff- use them! Ask controversial questions like “does pineapple go on pizza,” and let the debate commence: but make sure to capture it all so you can share with the world, where they will then be involved in that debate!! As soon as followers begin to get involved- the algorithm starts algorithming and BOOM: you have new exposure to people who may not have come across your page just 24 hours before. You can also do this in a cross-over way, while selling and being yourself! So now we ask you… Does pineapple go on pizza??

Below is a sample of a cross-over: selling while showing personality!

Just kidding, we don’t have time to go into war right now, but what we do have time for, are new clients. We have packages for every small business, every type of industry, every type of budget! We want to help you, but all within what you can afford to do! Our team is always excited to help you on the back end, to excel business and showcase your talent, your work, your knowledge, EVERYTHING.

So if you’re ready to start capturing your personality on film, call us, we can’t wait to meet you!

So what else is going on at Enso?

We will no longer be offering one-off walk-through videos for realtors… BUT DON’T STRESS! We have walkthrough packages that ultimately will end up saving you money!!! Give us a shout at [email protected] to get your hands on those packages and let’s get you set up TODAY!


Happy Friday!